

We bring you the most recent news from our company and provide insights from the work we perform for our clients. From advanced NDT, inspection methods, rope acces and repair solutions to new employees, events and stories from our colleagues solving repair tasks all over the world. Stay informed as we bring you the latest news about what is happening in our company and industries.

Latest news

Welcome to our new Head of Service
We are happy to introduce our new Finance Manager, Helene Hansen, who has recently become a valuable addition to our office in Esbjerg.
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Offering global welding repair solutions – PES article about 3WIS
According to WindEurope’s latest analysis, Europe currently has 255 GW ofwind energy installed, of which 19 GW are newly established facilities from2022. WindEurope’s expectations for the future are that an additional 129 GWwill be established in Europe between 2023 and 2027. To meet the 2030 climategoals, the expansion is expected to especially speed up from […]
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Welcome to our new Finance Manager
We are happy to introduce our new Finance Manager, Helene Hansen, who has recently become a valuable addition to our office in Esbjerg.
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Welcome to our new Head of QHSE
Allan Madsen recently stepped into the position as our new Head of QHSE. He comes to 3WIS with a strong record of...
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3WIS becomes a part of Muehlhan Wind Service
We are proud and excited to announce that Muehlhan Wind Service has become the majority stakeholder of 3WIS.   
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From practical problem-solving and consulting to planning and repair
We have expanded our portfolio of repair solutions to include engineering consulting
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Welcome Stephen
Welcome to Stephen, our new Head of NDT & Inspection
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We are looking for more great candidates!
We are rapidly growing and therefore, we are constantly seeking for great candidates to join our dynamic team
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